XTRA Slim Size Conical

50 PURIZE® XTRA Slim Size Conical
Der erste nachhaltige konische Aktivkohlefilter für Selbstgedrehte!Nach langer Forschung und Entwicklung freuen wir uns, Euch endlich unseren konischen Aktivkohlefilter vorzustellen. Auf der einen Seite Super, auf der anderen Seite Extra! Und nicht nur das - er ist auch noch der kürzeste PURIZE® Aktivkohlefilter aller Zeiten. Da unser Conical in der Länge 25 mm misst, kannst Du damit einen perfekten konischen Jibbit bauen!Aktivkohle auf Kokosnuss-Basis reduziert die Schadstoffaufnahme und verschafft Dir ein kühles und trockenes Raucherlebnis. Geeignet sind unsere Aktivkohlefilter für ALLE Arten von Selbstgedrehten! PURIZE® Filters sind aus umweltbewussten Rohstoffen gefertigt und „Made in Germany“.  Durch unsere hochqualitativen Aktivkohlefilter „Made in Germany“ kannst Du Dir sicher sein, dass Du nicht nur Dir, sondern auch Deiner Umwelt einen Gefallen tust.

Content: 50 Piece (€0.22* / 1 Piece)

10.90 0*
PURIZE® Glass | 120 Conical XTRA Slim Size
The first sustainable conical activated carbon filter for roll-your-own!After long research and development, we are pleased to finally introduce you to our conical activated carbon filter. Super on one side, extra on the other! And not only that - it is also the shortest PURIZE® activated carbon filter ever. Since our Conical measures 25mm in length, you can use it to build a perfect conical jibbit!Coconut-based activated carbon significantly reduces the absorption of pollutants and gives you a cool, dry and aromatic smoking experience that benefits your lungs. Our activated carbon filters are suitable for ALL types of roll-your-own! PURIZE® Filters are made from environmentally conscious raw materials and "Made in Germany". Our filter glass not only ensures that your filters are presented nicely, but also creates the best storage conditions for your filters and protects them perfectly from external influences. So you can enjoy your activated carbon filters for a long time and transport them carefree!With our high quality activated carbon filters "Made in Germany" you can be sure that you are not only doing yourself and your health a favor, but also your environment.Attention: The design of the sleeve may differ significantly from the product image!

Content: 120 Piece (€0.18* / 1 Piece)

21.00 0*
PURIZE® Glass | 42 Conical XTRA Slim Size
The first sustainable conical activated carbon filter for roll-your-own!After long research and development, we are pleased to finally introduce you to our conical activated carbon filter. Super on one side, extra on the other! And not only that - it is also the shortest PURIZE® activated carbon filter ever. Since our Conical measures 25mm in length, you can use it to build a perfect conical jibbit!Coconut-based activated carbon significantly reduces the absorption of pollutants and gives you a cool, dry and aromatic smoking experience that benefits your lungs. Our activated carbon filters are suitable for ALL types of roll-your-own! PURIZE® Filters are made from environmentally conscious raw materials and "Made in Germany". Our filter glass not only ensures that your filters are presented nicely, but also creates the best storage conditions for your filters and protects them perfectly from external influences. So you can enjoy your activated carbon filters for a long time and transport them carefree!With our high quality activated carbon filters "Made in Germany" you can be sure that you are not only doing yourself and your health a favor, but also your environment.Attention: The design of the sleeve may differ significantly from the product image!Contents: 42 Conical XTRA Slim Size

Content: 42 Piece (€0.20* / 1 Piece)

8.50 0*
PURIZE® Glass I All-in-One Mixed Filter Jar
Advantages:5x Regular Size (2x White 2x AllColor 1x Organic)5x XTRA Slim Size5x SUPER Slim Size5x Conical XTRA Slim Size5x XTRA Long Size

Content: 25 Piece (€0.17* / 1 Piece)

4.20 0*